Dev Curate - Curated Dev resources from the best software / ML engineers

At, our mission is to provide a platform for curating the best resources for software, cloud, and software engineering topics. We aim to be the go-to destination for developers, engineers, and enthusiasts who are looking for high-quality, relevant, and up-to-date information on their chosen topics. Our goal is to help our users save time and effort by providing them with a carefully curated selection of resources that are both informative and engaging. We believe that by doing so, we can help our users stay on top of the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in their respective fields, and ultimately, help them achieve their professional goals.


Curating the best resources for a particular software, cloud, or software engineering topic is a challenging task. It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, the ability to identify high-quality resources, and the skills to organize and present them in a way that is easy to understand and use. This cheatsheet is designed to help you get started with curating resources related to software, cloud, and software engineering topics. It covers the key concepts, topics, and categories that you need to know to be successful in this field.

Key Concepts

  1. Curating: Curating is the process of selecting, organizing, and presenting information or resources in a way that is useful and relevant to a particular audience.

  2. Software: Software is a set of instructions that tell a computer what to do. It includes programs, applications, and operating systems.

  3. Cloud: The cloud refers to a network of remote servers that are used to store, manage, and process data.

  4. Software Engineering: Software engineering is the process of designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software.


  1. Programming Languages: Programming languages are used to write software. Some popular programming languages include Java, Python, and C++.

  2. Web Development: Web development involves creating websites and web applications. It includes front-end development, back-end development, and full-stack development.

  3. Mobile Development: Mobile development involves creating mobile applications for iOS and Android devices.

  4. Cloud Computing: Cloud computing involves using remote servers to store, manage, and process data. It includes Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

  5. DevOps: DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development and IT operations. It includes continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment.

  6. Machine Learning: Machine learning involves using algorithms to analyze data and make predictions. It includes supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.


  1. Tutorials: Tutorials are step-by-step guides that teach you how to do something. They are often used to teach programming languages, web development, and mobile development.

  2. Courses: Courses are more comprehensive than tutorials. They often include video lectures, quizzes, and assignments. They are often used to teach more advanced topics like machine learning and cloud computing.

  3. Books: Books are a great way to learn about software, cloud, and software engineering topics. They often provide a more in-depth look at a particular subject.

  4. Blogs: Blogs are a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in software, cloud, and software engineering. They often provide insights and opinions from experts in the field.

  5. Podcasts: Podcasts are a great way to learn about software, cloud, and software engineering topics while on-the-go. They often feature interviews with experts in the field.

  6. Conferences: Conferences are a great way to network with other professionals in the field and learn about the latest trends and developments. They often feature keynote speakers, workshops, and networking events.


Curating the best resources for a particular software, cloud, or software engineering topic is a challenging but rewarding task. By understanding the key concepts, topics, and categories covered in this cheatsheet, you will be well on your way to becoming a successful curator. Remember to always keep learning and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the field.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Agile: A methodology for software development that emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and iterative development.
2. API: Application Programming Interface, a set of protocols and tools for building software applications.
3. AWS: Amazon Web Services, a cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of services for building and deploying applications.
4. Back-end: The part of a software application that handles data storage, processing, and retrieval.
5. Big Data: Large and complex data sets that require specialized tools and techniques for analysis.
6. Blockchain: A decentralized digital ledger that records transactions in a secure and transparent way.
7. Cloud Computing: The delivery of computing services over the internet, including storage, processing, and networking.
8. CMS: Content Management System, a software application that allows users to create, manage, and publish digital content.
9. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets, a language used to describe the presentation of web pages.
10. Cybersecurity: The practice of protecting computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, theft, and damage.
11. Data Science: The study of data, including its collection, analysis, and interpretation.
12. Database: A collection of data that is organized and stored in a structured way.
13. DevOps: A set of practices that combines software development and IT operations to improve collaboration and efficiency.
14. Docker: A platform for building, shipping, and running applications in containers.
15. Front-end: The part of a software application that users interact with, including the user interface and user experience.
16. Git: A version control system used for software development.
17. HTML: Hypertext Markup Language, a language used to create web pages.
18. Infrastructure as Code: The practice of managing infrastructure using code, allowing for automation and version control.
19. JavaScript: A programming language used to create interactive web pages and applications.
20. Kubernetes: An open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services.

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